Hello World !!!

  • Alejandro joined our lab as a master graduate student. Welcome aboard! [Aug 2024] 
  • Dr. Li received DDI Seed Grant as PI, in collaboration with Dr. Kumar and Dr. Darabi both from College of Pharmacy. Thanks for the support from UH DDI. [May 2024] 
  • The Capstone team from our lab was selected to present their research work in College’s Executive Leadership Board Meeting. Good job! [May 2024] 
  • Dr. Li attended AUA 2024 conference in San Antonio. [May 2024] 
  • Dr. Li received High Priority Area Research Seed Grant as PI. Thanks for the support from UH DOR. [April 2024] 
  • Our research initiates and activities were highlighted in both UH and CCE magazines. [April 2024] 

  • Orion was awarded the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) for the Summer 2024 semester. Congratulations! [April 2024] 
  • Dr. Li gave an invited seminar talk to the CTRID Center at Baylor College of Medicine. [March 2024]
  • Dr. Li gave a lecture for the Introduction to Biomedical Engineering students. [March 2024]
  • Dr. Li gave a poster presentation in the SUFU 2024 meeting in the Fort Lauderdale in Florida. [Feb 2024] 
  • Dr. Raudel Avila from Rice University was invited to deliver a seminar talk to our BME department. Looking forward to more interactions with Dr. Avila in the future. [Nov 2023] 

  • Dr. Xuanhe Zhao from MIT visited our lab and gave a wonderful talk to ME department at UH. [Nov 2023] 
  • The Li research group attended the Hagler symposium at TAMU, organized by Prof. John Rogers and Prof. Yonggang Huang. We thank Prof. Rogers’ invitation and very much enjoyed this wonderful event. [Nov 2023] 


  • Dr. Li gave a seminar talk to the Biomedical Engineering department at UH. [Nov 2023] 
  • Dr. Li was invited to give oral presentations on both the hybrid electronic robots (‘eBiobots’) and biohybrid pumping machines (‘Pump-bots’) in ASME IMECE 2023 conference in New Orleans [Nov 2023] 
  • Dr. Li was invited to give a talk on his recent eBiobots research work in 2023 BMES Annual Meeting in Seattle [Oct 2023] 
  • Dr. Abraham Vazquez-Guardado from NC State University visited our research group and delivered a great seminar talk to our BME department at UH. [Oct 2023] 
  • Dr. Li was invited to give a talk presentation on his recent eBiobots research work  in 2023 BMES Annual Meeting in Seattle [Oct 2023] 
  • Our research initiative on biosensor development for cancer detection was reported by UH HEALTH Institute, Cullen COE and BME Department. Real-Time Health Monitoring: UH Researcher Explores Wearable Sensors to Detect Colorectal Cancer.  BME’s Li Explores Wearable Sensors To Detect Colorectal Cancer [Sept 2023] 

  • Ali joined our research group as a PhD student. Welcome to join us! [Sept 2023] 
  • Orion and Patrick joined the lab as undergraduate researcher. Welcome aboard!  [Sept 2023] 
  • Tushar joined our group as a PhD student. Welcome to our adventure!  [Aug 2023] 
  • Dr. Li (PI) received a Pilot Grant Award funded by NIH/NIMHD, through the partnership with UH Health Research Institute. Many thanks for the funding support! [July 2023] 
  • Dr. Li delivered a seminar talk in the Institute of Applied Mechanics at the Zhejiang University (ZJU) in China![July 2023] 
  • Dr. Li was invited to deliver a seminar talk in the Department of Engineering Mechanics at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in China![July 2023] 
  • Dr. Li was invited to give a seminar talk in the College of Pharmacy at Chongqing University in China![June 2023] 
  • Welcome STEM RISE team (Christopher Rogel, Hector Olave, Steve Weldenchel, Wahab Tariq, Kristi Lam, Malaya Travis, Ricardo Ramirez,  and Shadiamon Lewis) to join our team this summer!  [June 2023] 
  • Yifan joined our lab as a PhD student. Welcome aboard! [May 2023] 
  • Dr. Chang Liu joined our research group as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. Welcome Chang to join our adventure! [Apr 2023] 
  • Cullen joined our research group as Undergraduate research assistant. Welcome aboard! [Apr 2023] 
  • Prof. Jun Liu from NC State, visited our lab and delivered a seminar talk to the ME department at UH. Welcome Jun! [Mar 2023] 
  • Prof. Jianliang Xiao, my dearest PhD advisor from CU-Boulder, visited UH and delivered a wonderful seminar talk to the BME department. We look forward your next visit. [Feb 2023] 
  • Isabella Martingano, Dania Fayad, Blake Archer, Wahab Tariq, and Cameron Cooper joined our research group as graduate research assistant. Welcome aboard! [Jan 2023] 
  • Raed Mohammed, Alan Nguyen, and Dani George joined our research group as undergraduate research assistant. Welcome! [Jan 2023] 
  • Our eBiobots research work has been highlighted by many media outlets, including ScienceDaily, TechXplore, Bioengineer, Nanowerk, ScienceTimes, etc. [Jan 2023] 
  • Dr. Li’s Co-first authored paper on “Remote control of muscle-driven miniature robots with battery-free wireless optoelectronics” published online on Science Robotics[Jan 2023] 
  • Diya Krishnan joined our group as an undergraduate research assistant. You are so welcome, Diya! [Jan 2023] 
  • Prof. Shuozhi Xu from Univ. of Oklahoma visited our lab. Thanks for visiting! [Jan 2023] 
  • Anwar Hakam joined my group as an undergraduate research assistant. Welcome aboard, Anwar! [Jan 2023] 
  • Dr. Li’s paper on Muscle driven miniature robots with remote control was accepted for publication in Science Robotics. Congratulations! [Jan 2023]
  • Was so glad to attend BMS department Strategic Panning Retreat. [Nov 2022] 
  • Our collaborative work on Wireless Skin Hydration Sensor for Rapid, Accurate Diagnostics of Dermatological Health was accepted by Advanced Healthcare Materials. [Nov 2022]
  • So glad for the opportunity to visit the REIGN Lab led by Dr. Roh at UH. Very impressive! [Oct 2022]
  • Dr. Li’s co-authored paper on Soft Shape-Programmable Surfaces has been published in Nature Communications. [Sept 2022]
  • Dr. Li joined UH as an assistant professor of biomedical engineering and biomedical sciences in the Fall 2022. [Sept 2022]
  • Li Research Group website is launched! Hello World! [Sept 2022]